Sober Living

Licensed, Safe, and Supportive: The Haven's Residential Facilities in Utah for Lasting Recovery Success

The Havens facilities follow the highest ethical standards and are fully licensed by the State of Utah. Our knowledgeable staff of experts, oversees the program. With the help of our housing program, individuals can live in safety and make the necessary progress toward self-sufficiency.

The Havens sober living is a great place for people to live as it's affordable, secure, and close to public transportation. The Haven provides the essentials for individuals who are living within our facilities as well as internet, cable, and utilities.


1. Abstinence from Alcohol and Drugs: This is the most fundamental rule. Residents are required to remain completely abstinent from alcohol and all non-prescribed drugs. The Haven does not allow medical cannabis cards. 

2. Regular Drug Testing: Random drug testing is conducted to ensure residents are staying sober.

3. Attendance at Support Meetings: Residents are usually required to attend regular 12-step meetings (like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous) or other support groups as part of their recovery.

4. Curfew: Curfew is in place to promote a structured daily routine and ensure residents are not out late in potentially triggering environments.

5. Household Chores: Residents are assigned chores to help maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the house. This promotes a sense of responsibility and teamwork.

6. Respect for Others: Respectful behavior and consideration for fellow residents are essential. This includes maintaining quiet hours, not disrupting others, and resolving conflicts peacefully.

7. Guest Policy: The Haven does not allow guests or visitors within the facility or on facility grounds. We do not allow overnight guests, and your housing will be in jeopardy or terminated if we find out this rule is broken. This is for the safety and consideration of fellow peers. This includes disclosing the address to anyone outside the residence. 

8. Employment or Education: Residents are required to have full time employment or be enrolled in an educational program as part of their commitment to recovery.

9. Financial Responsibility: Residents are required to pay rent and their share of household expenses on time. 

10. Regular House Meetings: House meetings are held to discuss any issues, rule violations, or concerns and to promote communication among residents. If you miss house meetings, you are in jeopardy of losing your housing. This is a mandatory meeting for all residents.

11. Medication Management: If a resident is on prescription medication, there are rules and procedures for proper use and storage to prevent misuse. You must disclose all medications to your case manager and keep medications locked inside the safe that is assigned to you.

12. No Violence or Threats: Physical violence or threats are strictly prohibited and can lead to immediate termination from the program. 

13. Personal Belongings: You must take personal belongings with you upon leaving the program. You have 48 hours before personal belongings are disposed of. The Haven does not have the ability to store items. The Haven allows 7-10 days’ worth of clothing and minimal hygiene or personal belongings. You have a single dresser and part of a closet for items. They must fit within this space, or you will be asked to decrease personal items. 

14. House Items: You are permitted to take any house items such as dishes, décor, furniture, electronics, cleaning supplies, laundry supplies, bedding, or other items that are supplied by The Haven. If this occurs, it is considered theft and could result in termination or legal ramifications. 

15. Compliance with House Policies: Residents are expected to follow all house rules and policies. Repeated violations can result in consequences, including termination. 

16. Other Household Requirements: We do not allow hanging anything on the walls, putting holes in walls (including pushpins etc.), no outside furniture, no stickers, no destruction of furniture or other household items, no painting, or use of permanent markers, no hair dye, and no other items that could result in destruction of property. 

17. Smoking: The Haven only allows vaping and no other tobacco items, including cigarettes. You are permitted to vape in the shed that has a cover and chairs. Any vaping in the house, front yard or porch will lead to consequences. 

18. Theft: No stealing Haven items or from other peers, this will lead to immediate termination. 

19. Sobriety Plan: Residents are required to develop and adhere to a personal sobriety plan developed with their case manager, which includes specific goals and strategies for maintaining recovery and transitioning into permanent housing.

Funding Accepted

  • Access to Recovery (ATR)
  • Self-Pay
a room with wood walls and a wood floor
a kitchen with a marble counter top