How We Get Started
The first step in the admissions process is to submit our online screening form, which you can find here: The Haven's Online Screening Form. After receiving the form, we will verify your insurance, eligibility for the program, and contact you to complete a follow-up interview. An assessment may need to be completed prior to admission to determine if The Haven is the appropriate program for you. Our admissions team is here to answer all your questions, discuss funding options, and help you determine if The Haven is the right choice for you or your loved one. If The Haven does not fit your needs, we will refer you to another provider. The Haven works closely with many organizations within the community that may be more suitable and have the adequate resources to meet your needs.
More information about the complete admissions process, including if you are inquiring for another person, can be found here.
Who We Serve
Adults with active substance use disorders are served by The Haven. Most of our clients are referred by the Volunteers of America, various detox centers, and local and state legal systems. Veterans, low-income or unemployed individuals, those involved in the criminal justice system, along with those living in unsupportive or unstable housing are among the populations for whom we provide services for.
What We Provide
Our comprehensive range of services includes safe and supportive housing, outpatient treatment, and residential treatment programs. We offer peer support programs, case management, mental health services, co-occurring disorders, and basic medical care in addition to therapeutic treatment for substance use disorders. The Haven helps people have access to additional resources and makes partnerships with affiliated organizations that provide additional services when required.