The Haven's Outpatient Program: Empowering Transitions for Lasting Recovery Success in a Supportive Community of Like-Minded Individuals
Our outpatient program will drastically reduce the potential for relapse and ensure a healthy transition back into main-stream society that may not support the same values and goals developed while in treatment. In our outpatient program you will find strong, like-minded individuals who have decided to participate to make recovery from drugs and alcohol a number one priority in their lives.
The Haven is progress-based; clients go from higher to lower levels of care based on their ability to be responsible, stable, and to fulfill goals and assignments. The Haven does not think that receiving treatment consists of finishing a predetermined number of days. We think that the secret to sobriety is resolving the underlying difficulties and past trauma that brought the person into treatment.

What to Expect
The outpatient program at The Haven provides a structured schedule, primarily in the evenings, Monday through Thursday, enabling participants to secure and sustain successful employment. We provide a range of therapies that help the person develop the understanding necessary to sustain their recovery, as well as the coping mechanisms and goal-achieving abilities required to keep progressing. Our outpatient program offers a range of customized services that are tailored to the distinct needs of our clients.
1. Commitment to the Program: Clients must be committed to the treatment process, attend scheduled individual sessions regularly, and actively participate in group therapy.
2. Abstinence from Substances: One of the primary rules is a commitment to abstain from all substances including alcohol. This includes not coming to the facility under the influence.
3. Adherence to Treatment Plans: Clients are required to follow individualized treatment plans, which includes therapy sessions, group therapy medication management (if applicable, and other prescribed activities.
4. Confidentiality: Clients must respect the confidentiality of others in the program. What is shared in therapy sessions and group meetings should not be discussed outside of those settings.
5. Respectful Behavior: Clients are expected to behave respectfully towards staff, peers, and property. This includes no violence, harassment, or threatening behavior.
6. No Illicit Activities: Engaging in illegal activities, such as using or possessing illegal substances, or bringing them into the facility, is prohibited.
7. Attendance and Punctuality: Regular attendance and punctuality for therapy sessions, group meetings, and other scheduled activities are mandatory.
8. Random Urine Analysis Testing: The Havens outpatient requires clients to submit to random urine analysis testing to ensure adherence to abstinence.
9. Financial Responsibilities: Clients are required to maintain financial responsibility for their treatment, including management of their Medicaid or insurance coverage.
10. No Romantic Relationships: To maintain focus on recovery, clients are discouraged from engaging in romantic relationships with fellow clients during treatment.
11. Reporting Medications: Clients must report all medications they are taking to the program staff.
12. Compliance with Legal Obligations: If a client has legal obligations such as court dates or meetings with a probation, parole, or drug court, they are required to comply with these as part of their commitment to recovery.
13. Clients are encouraged to seek additional support outside of the program, such as attending community support groups, obtaining a sponsor, and attending community events.
14. Notification of Changes in Status: Clients need to inform the program staff of any significant changes in their life situation, such as changes in employment, living situation, or mental health status.

Hours of Operation
Monday- Thursday 12 PM-10 PM
Funding Accepted
- Targeted Adult Medicaid
- Expanded Medicaid
- Medicaid
- Molina
- Wise Network
- Multiplan
- Blue Cross Blue Shield
- Aetna
- Self-pay
My Ongoing Recovery Experience Group
My Ongoing Recovery Experience (MORE) is an award-winning, evidence-based program created to support program participants in the critical months after treatment and move them toward effective self-management. This program uses core education, guidance, and skill-building activities to help participants succeed in initiating and sustaining recovery. It helps clients make a daily habit of implementing practices and skills that support recovery. They'll learn to replace old routines with healthy habits and dig deeper into recovery skills. Topics include relapse prevention, utilizing peer support, improving relationships and communication skills, and how to put the concepts of Steps One and Two into action.
Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) Group
is a systematic method designed to promote positive self-image and identity, help clients learn positive social behaviors and beliefs, designed specifically for offenders. MRT seeks to reeducate clients socially, morally, and behaviorally to instill appropriate goals, motivation, and values. This is accomplished through systematic self-evaluation and goal setting activities. Clients work directly out of “How to Escape Your Prison” workbook, which the facilitator will provide for them. This group is only for members that qualify based on criminogenic needs. Group meets on a weekly basis.
Seeking Safety Group
Is an evidenced based, present-focused counseling model to help people attain safety from trauma and/or substance abuse. It is an extremely safe model as it directly addresses both trauma and addiction. Groups meet on a weekly basis.
Sanctuary Model Group
Is a blueprint for change which at its core promotes safety and recovery from adversity through active creation of a trauma informed community. A recognition that trauma is pervasive in the experience of human beings forms the basis for the Sanctuary Models to focus not only on the people who seek treatment, but equally on the people and systems who provide that treatment. We use the SELF curriculum within the organization.
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
REBT is a practical approach to assist individuals in coping with and overcoming adversity as well as achieving goals. REBT places a good deal of its focus on the present. REBT addresses attitudes, unhealthy emotions (e.g.: unhealthy anger, procrastination, addictive behaviors, aggression, unhealthy eating, sleep disturbances, etc.) that can negatively impact life satisfaction.
The Matrix Model
This treatment program provides individuals enrolled in our services an evidence-based treatment experience and combines education on both substance use and criminal thinking and behaviors. This program has been specifically adapted to meet the unique needs of law-involved clients and includes a focus on criminal thinking, re-entry, and adjustment issues. The program covers individual/conjoint therapy, early recovery skills, relapse prevention, family education, social support, medication-assisted treatment, adjustment or re-entry challenges, and urinalysis, with participation in a Twelve Step program encouraged throughout.
Peer Support Specialist Group
This group is run by a peer support specialist with lived experience who provides orientation to the program and builds report with the clients enrolled in services. Individuals come together to talk with one another about their experiences, struggles and challenges they may be having in the program.
Process Group
Is a form of group therapy that comprises an essential component of addiction treatment therapy. It allows individuals to learn the skills needed to navigate social networks and stress and reduce the inducements to use mood-altering substances again.